My case for my overall project is that the idea of free tuition for public college and universities is an actual possibility that can be seen from my past examples. My final proposal that the government is not doing enough for the general population as it is for its veteran population can be clearly defined by my case. I have shown in my past blog posts that veterans attending universities are given full support from the government when it comes to paying for tuition, books, and living expenses. I am trying to prove that the same can be done for the general student population even if the government would only cover the cost of tuition.
The research I have done shows the total amount of money being collected by public college and universities and compares that to the amount of money being spent on veterans for their free education. From looking at the tables that I've posted and other sources from my past blogs, its begins to become more clear that the government only focuses on a special part of its population which is the veteran population. - Graph that shows the total revenue collected by college tuition - Page 185 under education shows how much the VA budget goes towards the GI Bill
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