Monday, October 20, 2014

Research Blog #3: Privitization and its effects on G.I Bill students.

         The recent privatization of universities has had less impacts on students coming out of the military than their traditional student peers.  As prices are rising and traditional students keep taking out loans, students coming out of the military simply forward the bill to Uncle Sam. The pressure and stress that traditional students are feeling from their financial burdens aren't felt by those who attend university on the governments behalf.
      There are many traditional students currently studying in colleges who are balancing a full course load and at the same time keeping themselves financially afloat. In "Walden on Wheels" Walden, a graduate student at Duke University, resorts to sleeping in his car to keep himself debt free. He worried so much about his debt and how it would effect him, as it has effected his friends. The average student attending college who served in the U.S Military doesn't face these same challenges.
    Universities are actively pursuing soldiers who are discharging from the army, and persuading them to attend their respective university. There are some for profit colleges that have even visited hospitals of wounded veterans to sign them up for classes. Universities see these students as a risk free investment.  
    Soldiers coming out of the army are given practically free tuition to universities across the United States. The government helps pay their tuition, and various bills that they will accumulate on top of the money they earned while serving. 
   To universities, a student who wishes to attend their college that has recently left the army, is guaranteed money. They will attract as many ex-soldiers as they can and reap the benefits from Uncle Sam. 

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